Sub title
Whether you are a charity event organiser, running a venue or running an event management business DONATE™ offers various digital fundraising services with bespoke services to help you maximise the amount raised. Our event booking form is here.
Take a look at our FAQs below to find out more!
Better giving in action
The Environment Trust
£5 text giving
"I am thrilled at how easy and low-cost DONATE™ is to bring in much needed funds and acquire new supporters"
Local authority fundraising
Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns
"The DONATE™ team have always been on hand to support the integration providing both practical and technical advice"
Engaging people in your worthy cause can be hard work. Getting guests, visitors, delegates and attendees to your event, function, gathering or venue is always hard work. But getting the most from them once they are there should not be hard work too! And it no longer is, thanks to DONATE™.
With repeat giving DONATE™ facilitates long term relationships without the need for Direct Debits.
We are a charity so we are not driven by maximising profits. We keep our administration and processing fees to a minimum, allowing you to receive more of the donation. To view our fees please click here.
Engaging people in your worthy cause can be hard work. Getting guests, visitors, delegates and attendees to your event, function, gathering or venue is always hard work. But getting the most from them once they are there should not be hard work too! And it no longer is, thanks to DONATE™.
With repeat giving DONATE™ facilitates long term relationships without the need for Direct Debits.
We are a charity so we are not driven by maximising profits. We keep our administration and processing fees to a minimum, allowing you to receive more of the donation. To view our fees please click here.
Engaging people in your worthy cause can be hard work. Getting guests, visitors, delegates and attendees to your event, function, gathering or venue is always hard work. But getting the most from them once they are there should not be hard work too! And it no longer is, thanks to DONATE™.
With repeat giving DONATE™ facilitates long term relationships without the need for Direct Debits.
We are a charity so we are not driven by maximising profits. We keep our administration and processing fees to a minimum, allowing you to receive more of the donation. To view our fees please click here.