The Environment Trust

£5 text giving
A local talk held by The Environment Trust for around 8o guests at the church hall to hear celebrated environmentalists Dame Fiona Reynolds, Daniel Raven-Ellison and Rowan Conway, RSA Director of Development discuss the natural beauty of our environment.
The Environment Trust had not previously asked an audience for donations and were sceptical as to whether this would be appropriate for a mainly middle-aged/elderly audience.
How DONATE™ was used
The Environment Trust held a lecture evening for around 8o guests at a local church hall to hear celebrated environmentalists Dame Fiona Reynolds, Daniel Raven-Ellison and Rowan Conway, RSA Director of Development discuss the natural beauty of our environment.
At the end of the talk Dame Fiona asked the audience to make a text donation to support the work of the Environment Trust. Guests texted the word BEAUTY to 70970 to make a £5 donation. A powerpoint screen provided a written prompt of the keyword and text number

33% of the audience donated